All goals achieved

One of the main events of the year took place, which the builders of the whole country and neighboring countries were waiting for and prepared for the «MosBuild-2019». According to the organizers, the exhibition had a record number of visitors, more than 77 thousands of people. As one of the most successful ones for themselves, the representatives of the MosBuild General Partner – CG “Unitile” appreciated it.

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-We have fully achieved our main goal, we expanded our audience and got a lot of new customers among designers, architects and developers who we have already started working with - tells the director of marketing

Guzel Isyandavletova. And for many of them, familiarity with our products has become a kind of revelation. People sincerely accepted our “Gracia Ceramica” brand for Spain or Italy and were very surprised that we were local Russian production. And for them it was very important that a product of such quality and such a level of design might be if not cheap but much more affordable than imported counterparts.

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It must be admitted that this year “Unitile” did not change the good tradition of recent years, pleasant to surprise guests and partners, the largest stand at the exhibition, a wide variety of collections.

 -Our decision to concentrate not on new products, but to provide the widest possible variety of formats and textures was fully justified. Large formats, among which 30x90, except us in Russia produces only one manufacturer. Collections of size 20x120 imitation tree, very precisely, almost perfectly conveying its texture, calm universal designs of size 25x60, visitors could appreciate the entire main spectrum of our products. By the way, our two collections received the greatest recognition - the grey Carrara, with which we laid out 600 square meters of floor and imitation of agate cut Marmo from which we made the table. It was pleasure to see how the CEO of one of the manufacturers considered it for a long time and intently - continues to tell the director of marketing “Unitile”.

Not less attention was attracted by a separate “designer zone”, specially made for those who, according to Guzel Isyandavletova, were tired of monochrome trends of recent years:

- Color returns to the tile, overall. Even in Europe, which was almost the main conductor of monochrome. Of course, it’s not worth waiting for the overall brightness, but in the coming years we will see a much greater variety of colors and decors.

However, not a single stand attracted the attention of “Unitile”. Novice architects and designers could try their hand at developing a kitchen project using the “Gracia Creamica” collections at the “Kitchen Biennale 2019” competition, organized on the initiative of the information partner of the “MosBuild” exhibition, the magazine “Elite Decoration”. One of the jury that determined the winners was marketing director Guzel Isyandavletova of “Unitile”. She also presented three valuable prizes from the manufacturer: certificates for 50 and 30 thousands of rubles and a grand prix - a trip to Italy.

In turn, the leading interior designers in the framework of “Trend Show” designed the interior space built according to the architectural project of Boris Uborevich-Borovsky “Perfect Home” where in the decoration of the guest bathroom Anna Muravina used monochromes from “Gracia Ceramica”. And of course, one cannot keep silent about the numerous expert interviews that representatives of the Group of Companies gave in the course of live communication with the audience and a lot of media.

 - In general, we are satisfied with the result, once again made sure our products are in demand and interesting, there are a lot of people who want to buy it. Well, we will do everything not to disappoint the partners.

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