Gifts to families

On June 1, the Unitile Group of Companies presented gift certificates to the participants of the creative foster-care family competition entitled "Regional Family Assembly".

Gifts to families

The competition was held in the Shakhty drama theater, and its participants were ten foster-care families, who were winners of the municipal stage of the competition. Showing themselves as the calling card of their family, the contestants simply amazed the jury and the audience with their imagination, fantasy and artistry.

— "Every one of us had childhood. And the more time passes, the more warmly we remember our parents and that feeling of fullness, confidence, protection, love, which only a family can give. What could be more beautiful than the words "mom" and "dad"? We should show deep respect to those who gave the new opportunity to say these words to children who, for some reason, lost their former family. Therefore, on behalf of Unitile, we would like to present you with what we produce with love and pride - gift certificates to purchase our products!” Unitile Production Director Sergei Ilyin said, while handing over the certificates.
— In our Group of Companies, support for family values and traditions is one of the most important corporate values,” Unitile Human Resources Director Tatyana Fedchenko said. "It is painful to hear the very words ‘left without parental care’". When we were asked to support the competition and award its participants, we could not help but do so.

However, it is not a one-time action in our case. Together with the state institutions, we are implementing the "Mentor" project on vocational guidance and subsequent support of high school students who live in the state institutions.

We want to say a special "thank you" to the families who are taking care of such children. These are not "foster-care" families. These are real families!"