Gracia Ceramica for pros

On September 26 - 29 in Rostov-on-Don, the international building forum Golden Hands was held, the general sponsor of which was the leading brand of facing tiles and porcelain tiles Gracia Ceramica.

During the forum, proficient finishers and manufacturers of building materials from Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Belarus exchanged experiences, participated in many seminars, and shared professional secrets and tricks at numerous master classes. The master class that demonstrated the process of laying the Gracia Ceramica tiles using the Unitile MIX professional building mixtures attracted great interest.

“We became convinced one more time that our products are widely known and are in great demand among professionals. I was very pleased with the keen interest and numerous questions raised related to the production technology and quality control of our products, requirements and standards in accordance with which they are manufactured,” Vitaly Romanchenko, Chief Technologist of the Unitile Group of Companies confesses.
Golden Hands
01/09/2019 01:06:44 pm
Golden Hands
01/09/2019 01:06:44 pm
Golden Hands
01/09/2019 01:06:44 pm
Golden Hands
01/09/2019 01:06:44 pm
Golden Hands
01/09/2019 01:06:44 pm
Golden Hands
01/09/2019 01:06:44 pm
Golden Hands
01/09/2019 01:06:44 pm
Golden Hands
01/09/2019 01:06:44 pm