Let they teach me

A new social project, called «Mentor», was launched at the Unitile Shakhty production site (Shakhty Ceramics LLC) in order to support children from orphanages.

HR Director

— "The project has a career-oriented nature and is aimed primarily at helping children decide on professional choices, as well as at providing them with various support measures during subsequent training if they choose an education institution -be it an institute or college-, fit to our demands," Tatyana Fedchenko, HR Director, said. "In our education system there is a huge imbalance, which impacts even children from the well-to-do families. Hundreds of lawyers, economists and public relations specialists graduate from institutes all over the country, despite the fact that such careers are no longer in demand by the economy and are no longer as prestigious as they used to be. Moreover, youngsters who study in orphanages find it even more difficult to decide which career to choose, where to learn about the most in-demand jobs or how to apply knowledge and skills they possess. We, on our part, are ready to support them and help them choose the right path in life, to help them become enrolled at colleges or institutes and support them during their subsequent training.”

In 2018, as part of the project, high school students from three sponsored orphanages will visit the Group of Companies’ enterprises and units in order to become acquainted with the work of all departments and services, from production to procurement and finance. They will complete career aptitude tests, have job interviews and will be provided with the personal growth training. And more importantly, these guys will be invited to participate in all significant events, holidays and tournaments in order to feel the team spirit and learn about our values that distinguish Unitile from other companies.

The first meeting will already take place in June.