Our people among the best ones

Two Unitile enterprises, Shakhty Ceramics LLC and Voronezh Ceramics LLC, have become winners of the regional stage of the "Russia’s 100 Best Products" competition. Let us recall that the All-Russian Competition for Goods and Services is held annually within the framework of the World Quality Day and the European Quality Week in the Russian Federation.

100 лучших товаров России

— "The main goal of the contest is the revival of quality traditions in our country. For us, quality has always been a relevant issue. Indeed, quality has been and remains one of the main features of our products. Moreover, our internal quality requirements exceed not only Russian GOSTs and TUs, but also many European standards. We are happy to receive another confirmation not only of our reliability but also of the fact, that we are the best manufacturers in Russia", Sergey Ilyin, the Unitile Group of Companies Production Director said.

By decision of the Regional Commission on Quality Standards, our enterprises are recommended to participate in the final stage of the All-Russian competition.

10.10.2018 Toss-up