Regional program of increase in labor productivity

Fourteen enterprises from the Rostov Region can rely upon additional State support, including concessional loans from the Industrial Development Regional Fund of the Rostov Region.

— "It will be wrong to say, that we have become concerned with productivity issues only recently. Those who work in the production lines are aware that various methods and mechanisms designed to increase the efficiency of production processes and reduce costs per unit of production are used constantly. We are talking about costs reduction, new technologies and various forms of optimization, as well as improvement of working conditions and organizational issues», the Unitile Production Director Sergey Ilyin told us. "The peculiarity of the current program is that it’s aimed at such a training, designed to change the very production attitude as well as to foster new skills and approaches. This strategy concerns every specialist of our Group, from managers to workers”.

The goal of the program is to provide enterprises with an increase in productivity by 30% with regard to the 2017 level. This goal is quite achievable". As the Governor of the Rostov Region Vasily Golubev noted at a recent meeting:

— According to the results obtained for the last six months, there was a sustainable growth in the main fields of our regional economy. But that's not enough today. In order to increase economic growth, it’s necessary to devise new solutions. One of our strategic reserves is increasing productivity.