Reliability confirmation

The Shakhty Professional Mixtures products have passed the voluntary certification and received the Made on Don quality mark.

Made on Don

We recall that the certification system "Made on Don" is not just a positive commodity brand and an indication of the product geographical origin. First and foremost, it is represented by more stringent requirements and higher quality standards exceeding current standards and GOSTs.

The Made on Don certification system has more stringent requirements and higher quality standards exceeding current standards and GOSTs.

Before getting a certificate, not only the product but also the enterprise itself undergoes a thorough inspection, during which every aspect is taken into account: equipment, composition, raw materials, materials, tagging, packaging, internal control system and much more. It's no surprise that as of now the Made on Don mark has been awarded to less than 50 regional enterprises.

"If you look closely at the news related to building materials, you cannot but note the serious concern of experts and market players caused by the growth of counterfeit products," - Alexander Dushenin, the Head of Sales of the Dry Building Mixtures commodity line says. "In this regard, participation in voluntary certification for us is an additional guarantee of the highest quality our products have always featured. Confirmed by a number of studies, laboratory tests, and independent examinations.

Made on Don

It is worth noting that the Made on Don mark is awarded not to all products, but separately to each commodity item that has undergone additional inspection.

This time, the certificate was awarded to such products, produced at the Unitile Shakhty production site (Shakhtinskaya keramika LLC), as the dry adhesive "SA-10 adhesive for tiles", dry facing adhesive mixtures: "SA-20 adhesive for tiles", "SB-30 adhesive for tiles and porcelain tiles", "SC-45 reinforced adhesive for porcelain tiles and tiles", "SD-45 adhesive for porcelain tiles and tiles of large size, pools and complex surfaces".

We always rely on three pillars: the recipe that takes into account all the requirements of the end user, quality, and competitive price. In this regard, the fact that dry building mixtures are secondary products at enterprises, which main products are ceramic tiles, porcelain tiles and face bricks, is of great help. Add to this the availability of a very advanced technological base, own technologists, laboratory, own raw materials, and you will understand why we produce the product that is more profitable and affordable yet having quality not a bit yielding to any global brands. And, of course, the most modern equipment, which is constantly updated and modernized," Alexander Dushenin explains.