С повышенным интересом

Was met the Unitile exposition, which was held from February 28 to March 2 at the YugBuild / WorldBuild International Exhibition of Building and Finishing Materials, Engineering Equipment and Architectural Projects in Krasnodar.

— "We participate in YugBuild for the first time. Undoubtedly, we used to represent our products at regional specialized exhibitions such as OSM, but the main emphasis was still on federal events, first of all, such as Batimat," - the Unitile Marketing Director Guzel Isyandavletova says. "I think that now we will pay more attention to the tradition of participation in the regional construction events. Particularly now, as we are starting the active promotion of the unique and by all means exclusive offer for developers - the Unitile PRO line, which includes facing tiles and porcelain tiles, mosaic, ceramic bricks, and dry building mixes, and many products may be produced for a specific customer based on his/her needs and wishes at that."

The comprehensive offer Guzel Isyandavletova speaks of is really impressive — over 150 types of basic finishes and sizes, 7 fashionable colors of ceramic bricks colored in mass, including the trendiest ones — gray Nord and brown Munich and the Shakhty professional mixtures.

— "Our products are well known both in the South and in the Central part of Russia," - Alexander Dushenin, Sales Manager of the Dry building mixtures commodity line said. "Suffice it to say, that in the Southern Federal District every sixth tile is laid on our dry mixtures. Professionals highly appreciate the quality of our product, balanced recipe and the flexible commercial policy. So, interest in our stand is natural. As well as the fact that we have not just proved ourselves to be capable of excellent work and reinforced our previous relations, we have also concluded new interesting contracts."

Alexander Makarov, the Sales Manager of the Brick commodity line, fully agrees with this assessment:

— "We caused an increased interest not only among visitors but also among participants of the exhibition. Competitors literally touched and almost tried to taste our new products Nord and Melange. I personally got acquainted with many sub-dealers of which I had only heard or spoke on the phone. Some of the former partners, which temporarily left us for some reasons, having learned how our products had changed, what work we had done to modernize the enterprise and improve quality, "went back to the way they were", as they said to us. A number of positive negotiations took place, including those with other brick production factories. And of course, with the customers, which include a major developer from Volgograd.

However, Gracia Ceramica, the main brand of the Group of Companies, was of no less interest on the part of visitors. It was designed exclusively for Unitile by the Italian designers taking into account the most popular trends of the global interior fashion.

In addition to direct negotiations with current and potential partners, representatives of the Group of Companies visited a number of events within the framework of the official program. In particular, Unitile CEO Sergey Klykov took part and spoke at a roundtable that brought together industry experts and the authorities of the Krasnodar Territory. He identified several key areas that could significantly ease the lives of builders in the conditions of the challenging market and new legislative initiatives that were yet to be adapted to.

And, of course, it is worth noting that all participants of the exhibition appreciated the fact that Unitile Group of Companies sponsored a marvelous gala dinner, which took place in a wonderful warm atmosphere and additionally united everyone, regardless of the industry and area of work. After all, builders are not just the most peaceful and creative profession, but also one big family."

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