The best we can do for you


To do what is best and to surprise is our tradition and visitors to our stands have witnessed this many times. And if it may seem to somebody that it will be too difficult for us to surprise him or her after Batimat 2016 and 2017, we are ready to prove the opposite at the International Building and Interior Exhibition BATIMAT RUSSIA-2018, which will take place at the International Exhibition Center Crocus Expo from April 3 to 6 in Moscow.

We have in store for you:

  • the biggest stand among all participants;
  • presentation of products and the latest trends in the world of ceramic fashion by the Italian studio Gracia Design (Italy), which is a designer of Gracia Ceramica, one of the most popular trends on Russian market (and beyond);
  • a variety of new formats: 30х90, 12,5х50, 7,5х30, 20х20, 10х20, special components and decors;
  • a set for virtual reality that will not only help you see but also get inside of your future interior by changing it in real time;
  • a terminal with the loaded Unitile Ready-Made Solutions module with panoramic interiors and videos with interior visualization of each Gracia Ceramica collection;
  • a highly topical programme, contests and prizes, including tickets to Cersaie exhibition, food and drink, and a warm welcome by a friendly Unitile team.

But the biggest surprise is the greatest number of new collections in the history of the upgraded company - 64 VIRTU & MAESTRIA collections by Gracia Ceramica. Owing to the craftsmanship of the best Italian artists, VIRTU & MAESTRIA provides endless opportunities to create one’s own world, to find and materialize the bravest interior ideas. To express oneself without words through the cozy traditional splendor of Casa Elegante, daring and bright urban chic of Casa Moderne and the delicate beauty of natural materials and textures of Eco Casa.

Great variety of formats, broad palette of colors and tones, endless kaleidoscope of designs and lines (from geometric to ethnic ornaments), eternal gold, metal and pleasingly old and slightly worn shabby chic, natural textures of semiprecious stones, marble, wood, fabric and leather, blending of styles and opportunity to mix elements of collections are at your fingertips.

«В моде наступила новая эра — больше нет правил. Теперь все дело в индивидуальном стиле, сочетании высокой моды, фаст-фэшна, классики и молодых дизайнеров одновременно», говорил один из лучших модельеров современности, признанный и почитаемый enfant terrible мира моды Александр Маккуин.

"It's a new era in fashion - there are no rules. It's all about the individual and personal style, wearing high-end, low-end, classic labels, and up-and-coming designers all together," one of the best stylists of our time, a recognized and respected enfant terrible of fashion world Alexander McQueen said. The modern world is the triumph of personality over the crowd, individuality over stereotype. It's endless freedom of creativity, vision, imagination, freedom from long-held Сanons and rethinking of current traditions.

Your house isn't just your fortress. Your house is the expression of your best side.

And VIRTU & MAESTRIA is the best we can do for you. After all, the art of expressing difficult things in a simple way is the only original style and the main feature of pure perfection.

Join us in a pavilion 3, hall 12, stands 340-350 of the International Exhibition Center Crocus Expo, April 3 to 6.