The first of hundreds


On April 25, the Unitile Group of Companies completed the first of the «Rostov Region 100 Gubernatorial investment projects» with the launch of a line of small format tiles at the Shakhty production site (Shakhty Ceramics LLC). The overall production capacity of the new line amounts to 1 million square meters per year, the investments amount exceed 270 million rubles.

In addition to that, another project from the gubernatorial list (installation of a monoporosa or single-firing tiles production line) is reaching its final stage. Its delivery is scheduled for July 2018. Such a line will increase the company’s capacity by another 2 million square meters of products per year.

"Today we have received the opportunity to produce a basically new format for us, thoroughly following our main development ideology: as a leading actor in the market, we must go into all niches and produce everything that is demanded by the market and that is searched for by the buyers in stores. By the way, if we talk about Russian manufacturers, similar lines have been launched only by our company and by one of our main competitors», Sergei Ilyin, Production Director, said.
“This year, we have presented the entire basic line of the small-format porcelain tiles at Batimat. Of course, we could not be more pleased with the huge amount of positive, somewhere even rave reviews we received from those who visited our stand. But the main thing is that we have received confirmation that the strategy we chose, which is to constantly go forward, not to be afraid of innovations and to be the best proved its worth. This strategy is not just to keep abreast of the modern trends, but rather to become the main trendsetter in the ceramic fashion field. At least in Russia. Especially, taking into account our plans to increase exports and obtain access to the markets of the countries of the far abroad, as we are already a leading exporter to the near – abroad countries and such state of affairs will remain unchanged in the near future,” told us Unitile CEO Sergei Klykov.