To Italy with Gracia


An intriguing quest from the manufacturer of one of the leading brands of the Gracia Ceramica facing tile and porcelain tile. Designers VS. Builders. Secret labyrinths of production workshops and the clay open-pit. And Italy, which is waiting for the winner!

Gracia Ceramica Quest

The largest Russian manufacturer of building materials, the Unitile Group of Companies, invited all interested interior designers and craftsmen to take part in the quest and fight for a team trip to the sights of the Mediterranean. Both sides took the gloves thrown to each other.

"Builders and designers are the top-notch guys. So the competition, no matter how difficult it may seem, does not frighten any of them. But the opportunity to get acquainted with the enterprises the products of which they use in their work, to visit the place where Gracia Ceramica is born - this chance, taking into account the geography "from Moscow to the very outskirts", does not come to one's life quite often. And this may be even more important than victory", the Unitile Group Chief Technologist Vitaly Romanchenko says.

However, in the group of companies itself, the employees root for both sides and wish victory to the most worthy. The quest will be held at the main production site of the Unitile Group of Companies and the Vladimirovskiy open-pit of refractory clays on October 13. Participants of the winning team will get a prize - a journey to the brand’s homeland - to sunny Italy. Transportation and accommodation costs will be met out of the organizer's funds.