Traditional. Spring. Bright.


The employees of the Unitile GC Shakhty Production Site marked the 28th of April, which is the first and the last working Saturday of the month, not only with the striking fulfillment of their production tasks but also by means of their creative and selfless labor for the enterprise’s good. In other words, they celebrated this day with a spring volunteer clean-up.

Despite the fact that the plant’s territory is always maintained in exemplary cleanliness, winter remains winter, and after the thaw there is a lot of dirt outside. So that winter remnants were painstakingly cleaned and removed from the most hidden corners and places. In addition to that, all the trees and the curbs were whitewashed, the walls and windows of the workshops were washed and many other useful and necessary works were done.

Of course, the main value of traditional spring and autumn volunteer clean-ups, held annually at all the Unitile sites, is not so much cleanliness and order, but the fact that they are one of the most important team-building events, where there are no individual departments and service sectors with their own interests and problems, but one big and friendly family. In such a family, which is very important, no one leaves upset or hungry at the end of such day.

Spring volunteer clean-up
01/09/2019 12:27:22 pm
Spring volunteer clean-up
01/09/2019 12:27:22 pm
Spring volunteer clean-up
01/09/2019 12:27:22 pm
Spring volunteer clean-up
01/09/2019 12:27:22 pm
Spring volunteer clean-up
01/09/2019 12:27:22 pm