Optimal labor conditions


Special assessment of working conditions at enterprises of the Unitile Group of Companies has been completed. This assessment was necessary in order to identify and eliminate factors that could potentially harm or cause serious danger to an employee's life and health.

— "Previously, there were lists of harmful and dangerous types of production, according to which compensation payments to employees and the number of contributions to pensions and other funds were calculated. This approach has become obsolete due to new equipment and changed technological processes. The real picture can only be given by an actual assessment, which is carried out on a mandatory basis once every five years or, as in our case, after creating new jobs», Tatyana Fedchenko, the Unitile Human Resources Director, said.

Special assessment is a complex process that lasts for a month and can only be carried out by a specialized accredited organization. During this time, numerous measurements of light, air composition, and radiation are carried out with the help of special equipment. In a word, we fix everything that can affect the health and well-being of a person. We strive to ascertain that people work not just in safe but also in comfortable conditions.

— “The assessment results once again confirm that the Unitile Group of Companies is a responsible employer, whose social policy is based on creating a comfortable climate and the most favorable environment for each employee; whatever position he or she occupies and in whatever division he or she works”, Tatyana Fedchenko noted.